Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Have to live up to my ego, I guess

So, I'm almost officially in a rut. I had a nightmare last night and it came true (not surprisingly; my dreams often come true for some reason). I suppose it's best for everyone. That's really all I can say on the subject.

I've finally been in contact with some people from the college (everyone EXCEPT my professor) and my options are basically:

o Send in a letter, asking to have my aid continued, even though I won't meet my full-time status this year.
o Take a summer course for the three credits that I need to meet my full-time status.
o Just give up.

Either way, I will apparently be able to take courses this spring, which is a relief. I think that I will most likely just take a course this summer. Probably Speech or a math course, since those are required. I'm getting in touch with my academic advisor regarding which math courses I have to take; it's been so long since I've had my enrollment testing, I have no clue. I will have enough money, what with my large Cube paychecks and what's left from my financial aid. So, I think I'll be okay as far as that goes.

I spent the rest of the day networking. I have a few things going..I'll settle out. Just as long as I'm not alone for a few days. Furthermore, my Secret Santa GREATLY ENJOYED her gifts, so I'm chuffed about that.

I have to make more cookies tonight because everyone is obsessed with them. Secret sugar cookie ingredient: nutmeg.

How much are you worth?

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