Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bad day.

God, what a day. Not only did I get virtually jack all done (did get some laundry and sorts done, but who cares) but I got BURNED.

Right, my mother loves The Office. That TV show. She found out about it online somehow, downloaded all the past seasons, and is now caught up. She has been looking forward to the Christmas special (tonight) for TWO WEEKS. She sits down to watch it, and what does my brother do? Everything he possibly can to prevent it from happening! He kept telling her to turn it down, he wouldn't stop talking, he stood in front of the TV, he got my father involved (and my father..takes my brother's side no matter what. My brother could have just stabbed me and my father would take his side.) The kicker was when my cousin kept calling. She called once and my mother said to leave it. She called again and Ben said, "Answer that."
"No, I'm watching my show."
"Then I'll answer it."

So he answers it, and even though I told him THREE TIMES not to give the phone to my mom, and my mother even mouthed "NO!" over and over, he gave it to her. What the fuck? There is something wrong with him..he's just so damn abusive.

So she didn't get to watch it. And she's crying. And Ben is on some rant about wanting to go to hockey practice. Ben, you're very unpopular around here.

Then I baked some cookies and got really burnt. :( My hand hurts badly. :'( It's terrible.

I did finish downloading season four of Bad Girls. Otherwise, it's been an awful day. I just feel like shit. The fact that I'm stuck going to my aunt's on Saturday and my uncle's on Sunday just makes me feel a million times worse. Christ, I need to revamp my life. I've felt mega lonely all day which just amplifies it. ARGH. Blister on my skin. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.

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