Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bad Girls

As you all know, I love Footballers' Wive$. My favorite character is, of course, Tanya Turner, as played by Zoe Lucker. It turns out that she played a role (Tanya Turner) during a few episodes of another British show, Bad Girls.


This show is fantastic. It's not as good as FW, but I'd put it in second place. Yes, I love it.

It's about the inside of a women's prison. There is bullying. If I went to prison, I think I would be top dog. Yes.

I watched the entire four episodes (one disc) in a day, when I should have been working on my outline. DAMN. I finished it just in time, though, don't you worry.

No, there aren't sex scenes..yet. There is kissing. And there are hot guys in uniform syfosyhf8y82094723047rwfs. Oh DOM.

So now I'm downloading all of the seasons. I will never get anything done. :(

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