Friday, August 31, 2007

Kelly's First Fillings!

So I went in and got my (first ever!!) two fillings in yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Took about half an hour for both. He did fast work. The shots hurt, though! I had to get five because I guess I'm hard to numb..

Now he says I need three root canals instead of two, though. Guhhh. My teeth hurt. Hurt hurt hurt. I need insurance. Insuranceeeee. Lots of health insurance. I want to be COVERED in health insurance. I want to be so covered in health insurance, that it seeps into my bloodstream and makes me automatically healthy.


This weekend will probably be uneventful. I'm going to apply for more jobs at places where I don't really want to work, and then Sunday I get to dogsit for my neighbors which I actually really enjoy. I love my neighbors' dogs. Heart heart heart.


Stay healthy. Brush at least twice a day and floss once a day. Flossing is so important. SO IMPORTANT. And umm. Get lots of fresh air. And don't put your fingers in your mouth. I rub my thumbnail against my lower lip when I'm nervous, and I need to stop that because it's probably going to give me the bubonic plague or something someday.

THREE ROOT CANALS? That's the sound of me FAINTING and hitting my head off the DESK and now needing FIVE ROOT CANALS. Tony Blair have mercy.

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