Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Fitness Pal (or, will I regret the ice cream cake?)

So anyways, my birthday is tomorrow. Since I have an extremely extravagant party planned, involving lots of food and probably minimal movement (because who wants to dance when there's so much ice cream cake that needs to be consumed?), I can foresee myself needing to start a diet on the 20th.

Maybe the 21st. I mean, it depends on how much cake is left over, y'know?

Getting back on track--being a broke college student, I obviously can't join some website where I pay $30 a month just to chat on a message board about how much I hate exercising. I'm going to take my normal route of "tracking calories and exercise and using pictures of Angelina Jolie pre-anorexia to motivate myself." That's where My Fitness Pal comes in. It can't talk to me, but it can do the next best: it'll use its calorie counter to keep me in check regarding how many more Swedish Fish I can have each day. Not sure whether to use low-fat cream cheese or faux-butter on your bagel for breakfast? Use My Fitness Pal to look up the calories in food and put your mind at ease.

So basically, by bribing myself to do Tae Bo with Billy Blanks for half an hour per day, and using the calorie chart at MFP, I will be able to take off that Birthday 15 and do it effortlessly (and for free) in the process. Brilliance.

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