Sunday, August 26, 2007

And You Wondered How I Met So Many Hot Polish Guys..

While we're on the general topic of online chatting (before the dentistry, after the birthday), let's get into the topic of chat rooms. My history of using chat rooms is extensive. I don't know about you guys, but my first experience was back when I was about eight. We had AOL then (our first Internet provider EVER!) and I would always try to get into those "AOL KIDS" chats. They had the Nickelodeon ones and the "Gold" and "Silver" and "Soccer" and whatever ones..but they were always full. I mean always! I would stay up until 1am and try to get into a tennis one, and it would be full. Who would be up at 1am, seriously trying to chat about tennis? So I don't think that I ever actually got into any of the AOL chats, and I resorted to other sites.

Now that I'm older, I realize that these "other sites" are actually better. Better software, and better people. There's one in particular that I really like, as it has a really diverse population. is a really great place to go if you're looking to chat with people from other countries, and there even seem to be a lot of people from the USA as well. Just lots of people in general! That's always a good sign when it comes to chat rooms. (As long as they're not booked so full that you can't get in--AOL, take note!)

So, if you're looking for some free chat rooms--without waiting for a room to open--and you also like talking to a variety of people, then I suggest that you go to Wire Club. You won't regret it. (Seriously, there are some mega hotties on there! Who can resist?)

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